Configure your SEAYOS Tek !
More info about the SEAYOS Tek
Your SEAYOS will be delivered with three protective covers: one for the SEAYOS itself, one for its spool and one for its USB cable. The colour of these covers will be the same at the one of the fabric part of your SEAYOS.
Your SEAYOS will be delivered with three protective covers: one for the SEAYOS itself, one for its spool and one for its USB cable. The colour of these covers will be the same at the one of the fabric part of your SEAYOS.
And choose the colour of your spool!  
The colour of your USB cable will be the same as the one of your spool.
PRICE INCL TAX : 1164 EUROS - manufacturing delay : 5 - 6 weeks
After clicking on the button "Créer le devis" and providing your name and contact information, you'll receive an email containing the quote of your customised SEAYOS. When you have validated it, we will send you, within 24 hours, a link to a banking secure platform for on-line payment.